SEE Heritage News

chwb logoThree different projects from CHwB Western Balkan offices are part of a newly published book: “Heritage Counts – Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices”.

In this book, advice CHwB Western Balkan offices are presented with three different projects under the chapter “Linking management, sovaldi sale conservation and sustainable development”:

1.Tapping the Heritage: Cultural Heritage Conservation, physician Science, Technology & Education as a platform for reconciliation, tolerance and development in the divided community of Stolac, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Authors: Lejla Hadzic, Rand Eppich, Adisa Dzino-Suta, Aida Vezic, Jose Luis Izkara-Martinez.

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Make it YoursThe Foundation Cultural Heritage without Borders Bosnia and Herzegovina (CHwB B&H) has issued an educational toolkit on cultural heritage titled “Make It Yours Cultural Heritage of B&H”. The primary users of the toolkit are high schools and  various cultural institutions, drugstore primarily museums.

To download the toolkit and read more about it, buy viagra please follow the link

1The SEE Heritage Network is announcing that the Board members came together for the first time after being elected. The election of Board members took part in late summer 2015. The list with names of SEE Board members is written in the attached report.

The Board members had a long and challenging talk about various matters concerning future plans for our network. The meeting took place in Belgrade on February 20th.

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Balkan Museum network is announcing Meet See Do 2016 – conference that shouldn't be missed! Balkan Museum Network

If you are from: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia, Montenegro or Serbia, and if you are a museum or heritage professional – call for applications is open.

Don’t miss the deadline - 29 February 2016

For more details, please visit conference page:


UNESCO WHC on AdriaticThis “Final Report: Joint cross-border approach to sustainable management of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the Adriatic” has been produced within the project EX.PO AUS (EXtension of Potentiality of Adriatic UNESCO Sites), case a cross-border project co-financed by the EU within the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 2007–2013.

The general objective of the EX.PO AUS project is to set up a network between the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of the Adriatic Sea area (including sites on the Tentative List or those planning to apply for inclusion on this list), salve which will be able to develop in a cross-border context, cialis and diffuse high-quality technical and managerial competences by means of the various public and private actors involved, with the aim of pursuing a joint long-term strategy for the sustainable development of the sites based on high levels of managerial, technological and energy-related innovation. One of the specific objectives of the EX.PO AUS project is cross-border development of the concept and tools for sustainable management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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narative 2015The year 2015 was a very important year for the SEE Heritage Network. It was a year when the network started to be active again after a small pause. Thanks to you, cialis SEE Heritage members and followers, sovaldi sale the networked managed to gain several new members, to organize an important meeting, to revive web page, to collect and share various information about cultural heritage... Thanks to your support the calendar for 2016 was designed and printed out! 
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CHwb Albania Rest CampsThe award-winning CHwB Regional Restoration Camps are back in 2016. With a series of 7 camps held across the Western Balkans, illness there are more opportunities than ever to get close to heritage. This year, we are also introducing new thematic Camps, which cover the classic themes, such as building conservation, along with new topics, like historical arts and crafts.

Click here to learn more about each type of Camp that CHwB Albania will be holding this year.

The 26th through 32nd Regional Restoration Camps will provide participants with engaging lectures and hands-on experience with restoration, conservation and historic crafts, using traditional materials and techniques, as well as with the interpretation and management of cultural heritage sites and museums. 

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nature culture heritage in contextMay 16-19, look 2016

Prague, Czech Republic

The dichotomy between nature and culture in heritage conservation has often seemed like an either/or proposition. But in recent years, heritage designations at the international, national, regional and local levels are beginning to reflect the fact that nature and culture are indivisible. This is true for the application of all of heritage’s associated disciplines: landscape, architecture, archaeology, folklore, ethnobotany, history, ethnography, planning, agriculture and public health, just to name a few. In fact, there is probably no discipline in the humanities, social or natural sciences that is not affected by either culture, nature or, more often, both. 

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Supported by:




The South East European (SEE) Heritage network Secretariat
P.O. Box 85
85330 Kotor - Montenegro
phone: + 382 (0)32 302520
mobile:+ 381 (0)64 1989577
fax:     + 382 (0)32 302521

The material displayed on the separate country pages has been prepared by:
Albanian Heritage Foundation
Bosnia and Herzegovina: CHwB Regional Office in Sarajevo
Kosovo: EC MA Ndryshe
Montenegro: EXPEDITIO and Notar
Serbia: Civic Association SUBURBIUM

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Kambanite Monument, Sofia – Radostina Begunova

04-05-2022 Hits:19431 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Kambanite Monument, Sofia – Radostina Begunova

Whenever I want to get away after work and clear my thoughts and stretch my legs, an easy escape just nearby my home is always welcoming. Bells of peace, nice...

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Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve, Tirane – Mamica Burda

18-04-2022 Hits:19864 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve, Tirane – Mamica Burda

Long time no see, so many places where I want to be, to capture and take with me. Hello, hello, my hometown Tirane, hello there Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve! – Mamica Burda

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Earth village Gornjane – Maria Stojanovska

22-02-2022 Hits:20168 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Earth village Gornjane – Maria Stojanovska

Less than half an hour drive from here, we live on the 13th floor, wrapped in plastic – walls covered with styrofoam insulation, pvc windows, sticky air and constant buzz...

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SEE Heritage network gathers all those willing to contribute to protecting and promoting the South East European heritage as part of our common European and world's heritage. Read more about the network  >>>


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South East Europe (SEE) – a region where people cooperate, understand and respect each other on the basis of their cultural differences, believing that cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is a valuable resource.


South East European Heritage is a network of non-governmental organizations established in 2006. The mission of the SEE Heritage network is to work toward protecting and promoting our common cultural heritage with the aim of encouraging the sustainable development of the region.

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