SEE Heritage News

chenWith catastrophic fires in Australia and global political uncertainty, this year did not start well, and it seems to us, SEE Heritage Network, that we humankind will have a lot work to do in this year. Probably many things and habits will have to be transformed, new behaviors implemented, yet there is no doubt that we need to unite in our efforts for better, safer, more rightful, more equal life on this incredible planet of ours that hosts us.

Therefore, even though it is still the very beginning of the year and the mood should be joyful, here is the full statement of Europa Nostra about using a cultural heritage as a weapon of war:

Europa Nostra: It is unacceptable to intentionally target cultural heritage as a weapon of war

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EN14Europa Nostra and the EIBInstitute announced 14 heritage sites shortlisted for the #7MostEndangered programme 2020.

Two of the projects that are listed are in SEE Heritage Network member countries, and both of them in the capital cities – Belgrade and Tirana.

This is the list of all 14 projects:

  1. National Theatre of Albania, Tirana, ALBANIA
  2. Karas – Traditional Wine Vessels, ARMENIA
  3. Khoranashat Monastery, Tavush Region, ARMENIA
  4. Castle Jezeří, Horní Jiřetín, CZECH REPUBLIC
  5. Tapiola Swimming Hall, Espoo, FINLAND
  6. Castle of Sammezzano, Tuscany, ITALY
  7. Archaeological Park of Sybaris, ITALY
  8. Ivicke House, Wassenaar, THE NETHERLANDS
  9. Y-block, Government Quarter, Oslo, NORWAY
  10. Szombierki Power Plant, Bytom, POLAND
  11. Belgrade Fortress and its surrounding, SERBIA
  12. Plečnik Stadium, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
  13. Cuatro Caminos Metro Depot, Madrid, SPAIN
  14. Egyptian Halls, Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM

We are only bringing to you Europa Nostra’s texts about projects of member countries

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lala earthland 1Earth is magical material – You can use it for construction, art, decoration, dance and play in many different way(s)!

During those 4 days there will be many different:






WORKSHOPS – every day 9-12 & 13-16h

Scenography for kindergarten made out of natural materials

Masks and dolls for kid’s theater play

Earthen wall.

And we can host 2-3 more workshops.

If you would like to suggest a WORKSHOP related to these topics (or something totally different, but using earth and/or other natural materials), please let us know by filling in the form by 1st of December 2019. You will get our answer by 15th of December.

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unnamedThe built environment has an enormous role in the way we live together in this world.
Today’s construction activities are extremely resource-intensive and harmful to the environment and our climate.

BASEhabitat invites built environment professionals to develop radically new ideas for dealing with today’s global challenges.

Join the new Postgraduate Degree – Become a builder of change


2nd Call: Sept 30 – Nov 08, 2019

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konavleThe registration for the 17th International Congress on Dry Stone, 2020 is now open! The congress with the dry stone walling workshop will be held from 2 to 4 October 2020 in Konavle, Croatia. The event is organised by association 4 GRADA DRAGODID on behalf of International Scientific Society for Dry Stone Interdisciplinary Study (S.P.S. / S.D.S.), with the local partners. 


Paper/poster theme submission deadline: February 29th 2020
Listener/workshop participant registering deadline: June 30th 2020
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gondolaAs previously published on our website, a controversial cable-car project that has been initiated by Belgrade’s governmental institutions, caused public reactions and strong protest of professionals from various fields. The cable-car should have been constructed at the most important cultural and historical location as well as one of the most important urban points in Belgrade – its fortress. The fortress itself is archeological site, and crucial place for understanding Belgrade, its phases and layers of development.

Thanks to our persistent and worthy colleagues from EUROPA NOSTRA SERBIA, this project has been stopped.

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voteDon't forget to vote for the Public Choice Award, you have time until the 15th of September! You must vote for 3 projects from 3 different countries. Your first vote counts for 3 points, your second vote for 2 and your third vote for 1. The winner will be announced in Paris during the European Heritage Awards Ceremony on 29 October. Watch the project videos, choose your favourites and spread the word!

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collaborationIt would be really helpful for us to collect answers from people and organisations with experience in working in regional programme on culture and creativity in the Western Balkans. If you do have this kind of experience, and have a bit of time and energy, we would be extremely grateful to collect your views on this matter.

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drywall congressCivil society organisation DRAGODID and International scientific society for dry stone interdisciplinary study S.D.S - Société ScientifiqueInternationale pour l'Etude la Pierre Sèche S.P.S. wish to announce the XVII International Congress on dry stone that will be held on October 2nd – 4th 2020 in Croatia. Southernmost Croatian municipality of Konavle is the host of the Congress. Save the date!

Congress aims to bring together dry stone practitioners, researchers, professionals and enthusiasts in order to spread knowledge and techniques, discuss topicalities and widen the cooperation network between countries. All interested can participate as listeners, speakers and/or poster exhibitors.

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Craftsmen, engineers and artists, students, academics and professionals from Greece and the Balkans, meet at the old cobbled pathway that leads to the bridge of Plaka.


Craftsmen apprenticeship   –   Plaka Camp: 9/9 – 31/10    2 months of work and training on the traditional craft of the “kalderimi”

Stone Masonry Workshop   –   Plaka Workshop: 16 – 27 /10   12 days of practice and theory on stone building


This project consists in the restoration of the old cobbled pathway that leads to the Plaka Bridge. The works will take place during the autumn of 2019, while in the same time, the reconstruction of the bridge itself will be reaching completion. The cobbled pathway, which is 400m long and was partially reconditioned during the last year’s Stone Masonry Workshop, has suffered major alterations and severe damages during the past decades, and has been largely forgotten in favor of a recently constructed path, stretching across the bank of Arachthos River. If the above describe the troublesome nature of the present condition, they also imply our project’s deliverables: the old cobbled pathway, fully functional, in its authentic form.

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Supported by:




The South East European (SEE) Heritage network Secretariat
P.O. Box 85
85330 Kotor - Montenegro
phone: + 382 (0)32 302520
mobile:+ 381 (0)64 1989577
fax:     + 382 (0)32 302521

The material displayed on the separate country pages has been prepared by:
Albanian Heritage Foundation
Bosnia and Herzegovina: CHwB Regional Office in Sarajevo
Kosovo: EC MA Ndryshe
Montenegro: EXPEDITIO and Notar
Serbia: Civic Association SUBURBIUM

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Kambanite Monument, Sofia – Radostina Begunova

04-05-2022 Hits:19431 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Kambanite Monument, Sofia – Radostina Begunova

Whenever I want to get away after work and clear my thoughts and stretch my legs, an easy escape just nearby my home is always welcoming. Bells of peace, nice...

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Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve, Tirane – Mamica Burda

18-04-2022 Hits:19864 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve, Tirane – Mamica Burda

Long time no see, so many places where I want to be, to capture and take with me. Hello, hello, my hometown Tirane, hello there Ish Kombinati I Tekstileve! – Mamica Burda

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Earth village Gornjane – Maria Stojanovska

22-02-2022 Hits:20168 A Place I Like Secretary - avatar Secretary

Earth village Gornjane – Maria Stojanovska

Less than half an hour drive from here, we live on the 13th floor, wrapped in plastic – walls covered with styrofoam insulation, pvc windows, sticky air and constant buzz...

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SEE Heritage network gathers all those willing to contribute to protecting and promoting the South East European heritage as part of our common European and world's heritage. Read more about the network  >>>


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South East Europe (SEE) – a region where people cooperate, understand and respect each other on the basis of their cultural differences, believing that cultural, ethnic and religious diversity is a valuable resource.


South East European Heritage is a network of non-governmental organizations established in 2006. The mission of the SEE Heritage network is to work toward protecting and promoting our common cultural heritage with the aim of encouraging the sustainable development of the region.

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